NCERT Exemplar Problems with Solutions

 NCERT Exemplar is provided here to help students understand all the concepts clearly and develop a strong base in subjects like Maths and Science. Here we provide the latest edition of NCERT Exemplar Problems with Solutions for Class 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, for subjects like Maths and Science. NCERT exemplar will enable students to improve their learning and develop a better knowledge of the subjects.

The exemplar will enable students to improve their overall learning and develop a better knowledge of the subjects. By using these NCERT Exemplar Solutions students will be able to clear all their doubts and have a proper understanding of the concepts. These solutions has answers to the questions present in NCERT Exemplar Books for Class 6 to 10. 


NCERT Exemplar Problems with Solutions from Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10:


NCERT Exempler problems with solutions are available here. Students will get appropriate answers of all the problems in the NCERT. It will help the candidates to prepare for there class test or main examinations. Also all the queries regarding any question will be solved. Check below for NCERT Exemplar Problems & Solutions.

Students are advised to go through the NCERT Exemplar Problems & Solutions and solve the questions. Practicing these questions will help you a lot in your exams. The links for NCERT Exemplar Problems & Solutions for Class 6,7, 8, 9 and 10 are provided below:

NCERT Exemplar Problems Solutions Class 6

NCERT Exemplar Class 6 MathsNCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science

NCERT Exemplar Problems Solutions Class 7

NCERT Exemplar Class 7 MathsNCERT Exemplar Class 7 Science

NCERT Exemplar Problems Solutions Class 8

NCERT Exemplar Class 8 MathsNCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science

NCERT Exemplar Problems Solutions Class 9

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 MathsNCERT Exemplar Class 9 Science

NCERT Exemplar Problems Solutions Class 10

NCERT Exemplar Class 10 MathsNCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science

What is NCERT Exemplar?

NCERT Exemplar was introduced by the National Council of Educational Research and Training Organisation to help the students in developing their problem-solving skills and solving the HOTS (higher order thinking skills) questions in the competitive exams. The NCERT Exemplar books provide several higher-level application based questions like MCQs, Short Answer Questions and so on so that they can solve and understand the concepts thoroughly.

Unlike other books which focus on building the basic foundation, NCERT Exemplar solution focus more on knowledge building and help the students to have a deeper understanding of the concepts. 

Few Facts about NCERT Exemplars Problem and Solutions

  • NCERT Exemplar is a book by the NCERT that includes additional syllabus related questions.
  • The NCERT exemplar book is only available for the science and mathematics subjects. NCERT exemplars have been designed in a way to help the students get acquainted with the advanced level concepts.
  • These Exemplar solutions and problems can be extremely helpful for RBSE & CBSE exam preparation. It is important to be thorough with the NCERT book concepts first and then start solving the NCERT Exemplars.

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NCERT BooksNCERT Solutions

Advantages of Solving NCERT Exemplar Questions and Solutions:

There are various benefits that students get while solving the NCERT Exemplar Problems, some of the most notable benefits are given below:

Offers Different Question-Variations

The exemplar problems from class 6 to 12 offer a wide variation of questions from each chapter to help the students to get acquainted with the different questions types. This helps the students to develop problem-solving abilities and helps them to tackle any type of question in the exams.

  • Develops In-Depth Concepts

The questions in the exemplar book require the students to have a proper understanding of the basic concepts. While solving the questions, students can easily analyse their basic knowledge and slowly understand the in-depth concepts completely. The advanced level questions also help the students to develop a deeper understanding of the respective subjects.

  • Helps to Prepare for Board and Competitive exams

These questions are advanced level questions that frequently asked in the board exams. Solving these exemplar questions along with the NCERT textbook questions can help the students to develop advanced skills in the respective chapters. This can help the students to solve the HOTS questions, MCQs easily and also helps students to prepare for different competitive exams like JEE, NEET, NTSE etc.

  • NCERT Exemplar Questions Follow CBSE Curriculum

The NCERT Exemplar questions are strictly based on the  curriculum (Updated 2022-2023). The exemplar books offer numerous questions from each chapter of the respective classes (i.e., For Classes 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th in order to help the students in learning the advanced concepts easily. Students are suggested to complete the NCERT textbook questions first and then move to the exemplar ones as the questions in exemplar books are a bit advanced level.

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Exemplar and Solutions

1.Is it appropriate to start solving NCERT exemplar just few weeks before 10th board exams?

NCERT Exemplars are helpful for the students aiming to score high marks in the class 10 examination. However, starting to solve it a few weeks before class 10 board examination is not enough. Make sure that you solve the NCERT exemplars along with the NCERT chapters, as they are being taught in the school. NCERT Exemplars have a good collection of questions that will help you in scoring high marks in the class 10 exams.

2. Does the NCERT exemplar contain NCERT textbook solutions?

No! Though both books are very important for the students, the NCERT textbook questions are different from NCERT Exemplar problems. The questions in the NCERT textbooks are chapter wise, intended for the students to understand basic concepts covered in the chapter while the questions given in the NCERT Exemplars are of higher difficulty level. Hence, NCERT exemplar does not contain NCERT textbook solutions.

3. How do you solve the NCERT and the NCERT Exemplar?

First, read the NCERT textbooks and understand the concepts by solving the textual questions given in it. Once you are clear with the concepts, go ahead and solve the questions given in the NCERT Exemplar. 

4. Where can I find the solutions for the NCERT Exemplar problems?

The solutions for the NCERT Exemplar problems are given here. You can view the solutions online as well as download them from the website.

5. Can I use the Science NCERT Exemplar for the NTSE?

Science is generally easy in National Talent Search Examination. Hence, preparing for the exam using NCERT and NCERT Exemplar books will help the students in scoring well in the NTSE.

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