SAYAR'S Education Forum

Sayar's Education Forum 

Comprehensive learning programs

& Complete learning solution for all 

Better Learning. Better Results.


What you get on SAYAR'S EduForum?

Subjects are structured to
learn- practice-revise.

Self-paced learning

Designed to
deliver results

Classes as per

Tests, quizzes and worksheets
for better practice and

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24/7 lessons and resources
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Comprehensive Study material
with modern academic methodology

Learn anytime and anywhere

An online way of getting the education.

You have access to concept  videos, practice modules, quizzes and revision tests and other learning material which makes learning engaging and simple . Also, the end-to-end mapping of chapters makes learning journey easy.






General Studies

Computer and IT

Mental Ability

Static G.K and C.A

Highlights of SAYAR'S EduForum

Every student is unique and has a different way of learning. It is advised to prepare short study notes while studying. It is a good approach since different students understand the same concept in different ways and prepare notes accordingly. Though this is the right way, sometimes students might miss some concepts as it is impossible for any student to complete a year’s worth of syllabus in a few days. 

Therefore, students are suggested to study on a daily basis. But there is a problem for students , then are not able to get all the respective study material at one place or if they try to find it on internet then they are not able to decide that is the core syllabus for their study.  Here the SAYAR'S Education Forum comes which  will help them in completing the core  syllabus on time. They will get enough time for revision and practice before the annual exam. Core Syllabus is one of the most important aspects that count into exam preparation. While doing the self-study, students have a habit of noting down the important points, formulas, definitions etc. The compilation of these important points collectively known as Core Syllabus. To understand this core syllabus they can use SAYAR'S Education Forum , which make students exam preparation simpler and organised.  Students  can  study at their own pace with the provided content. 

Features of SAYAR'S Education Forum

  • SAYAR'S Education Forum are concise and crisp which covers all the topic of each chapter. 
  • Thinking from the examination point of view, SAYAR'S Education Forum provides the students a quick overview of all the important concepts, without losing the essence.
  • The formulas, theorems and important equations are all a part of these notes, making it one of the most useful study materials.
  • Covering the whole RBSE, CBSE NCERT textbook is a must. However, covering the complete textbook every now and then, especially in the short study leave provided during the exams, is not possible. SAYAR'S Education Forum come handy in such situations.
  • The SAYAR'S Education Forum contain detailed and well-structured explanations about all the concepts presented in the textbook.

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