Animals Names: Pre-Primary English DigiBook - Chapter 3


 Chapter: Animals Name

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Animals are incredible beings that captivate the imagination of young minds. For pre-primary kids aged 4 or 5 years, learning about animals is an exciting adventure that brings them closer to the wonders of nature. 

1. Dog 🐶

Dogs are friendly and loyal companions, making them a perfect addition to any family. They love to play fetch, go on walks, and wag their tails to show their affection. Dogs come in various shapes, sizes, and breeds, making each one unique and special.

2. Cow 🐮

Cows are gentle and peaceful creatures that are often found grazing in meadows. They provide us with milk, which is used to make delicious dairy products like cheese and butter. Cows have a distinctive pattern of black and white spots on their bodies.

3. Cat 🐱

Cats are curious and independent animals with a graceful demeanor. They love to be pampered and enjoy cozy naps in warm spots around the house. Cats are known for their incredible agility and their ability to land on their feet from high places.

4. Horse 🐴

Horses are magnificent creatures with a strong and elegant appearance. They are known for their speed and are often used for riding and pulling carts. Horses have a special bond with humans and can form deep connections with their riders.

5. Donkey 🐴

Donkeys are hardworking and reliable animals often found on farms. They are known for their stubbornness but are also affectionate and gentle. Donkeys have long ears and a braying sound that distinguishes them from other animals.

6. Tiger 🐅

Tigers are majestic big cats with striking orange fur and dark stripes. They are skilled hunters and are known for their strength and stealth. Tigers are found in forests and grasslands, and they are at the top of the food chain.

7. Lion 🦁

Lions are the kings of the animal kingdom and are easily recognized by their majestic mane. They live in groups called prides and are known for their powerful roars. Lions are formidable predators and are admired for their bravery.

8. Elephant 🐘

Elephants are gentle giants with large ears and long trunks. They are highly intelligent and social animals that live in herds. Elephants use their trunks to eat, drink, and even greet each other.

9. Cheetah 🐆

Cheetahs are the fastest land animals, capable of reaching incredible speeds. They have a slender body and distinct black tear marks on their faces. Cheetahs are skilled hunters, relying on their speed to catch their prey.

10. Bear 🐻

Bears are powerful mammals with a wide range of habitats, from forests to mountains. They have a keen sense of smell and are excellent climbers. Bears can be cuddly, like teddy bears, but in the wild, they are wild and formidable creatures.

Exploring these 10 fascinating animals with your little ones is an enriching experience that encourages a love for nature and its creatures. Each animal brings its own unique traits and characteristics, showcasing the diversity and beauty of the animal kingdom. 

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