Ask Questions?

To Learn Together.

Ask your Question and Answer Others Question. 

Many students face problems in studies ,when you don't have the right support.

 Ask Questions is the place, to take the frustration out of subject and to bring more peace to your daily student life.

Whether you are challenged by problems and questions, Ask_Question? will help you interpret problems with comprehensive method to drive learning and understanding of that concepts.


In general: Be sure to carefully read each others' posts. Respond to each other, Argue about ideas while being respectuful.

    • Be polite.

      We have learners from all around the world and with different backgrounds. Something that is easy for you may be challenging for someone else. Let’s build an encouraging community. Remember to comment on the ideas of an argument, not on the people they come from.

    • Upvote good Answers.

      This applies to questions and answers. Click on the green plus button so that good posts can be found more easily.

    • Be accurate.

      Choose a descriptive title, and provide as much information as possible: Which part of what problem or video? Why do you not understand the question? What have you tried doing?

    • Write clearly.

      We know that English might be a second language for many of you, but correct grammar will help others. Avoid ALL CAPS, abbrv of wrds (abbreviation of words), and excessive punctuation!!!!

    • Use discussion while working through the material.

      On many pages in the learning sequences and homework, there is a link at the bottom that says “Show Discussion”. Clicking on this link will show all discussion on the forum associated with this particular learning material.

    • Talk to each other.

      The Discussion Questions are just that: questions about which you should discuss. This means that you need to read what others have written.


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